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Online Admission started 15-Jan-2024 onwards... PLUS ONE Admission started Online Admission started 15-Jan-2024 onwards... PLUS ONE Admission started... PLUS ONE Admission started Online Admission started 15-Jan-2024 onwards... PLUS ONE Admission started...PLUS ONE Admission started Online Admission started 15-Jan-2024 onwards... PLUS ONE Admission started...PLUS ONE Admission started Online Admission started 15-Jan-2024 onwards... PLUS ONE Admission started...PLUS ONE Admission started Online Admission started 15-Jan-2024 onwards... PLUS ONE Admission started...PLUS ONE Admission started Online Admission started 15-Jan-2024 onwards... PLUS ONE Admission started...PLUS ONE Admission started Online Admission started 15-Jan-2024 onwards... PLUS ONE Admission started...PLUS ONE Admission started Online Admission started 15-Jan-2024 onwards... PLUS ONE Admission started...PLUS ONE Admission started Online Admission started 15-Jan-2024 onwards... PLUS ONE Admission started...PLUS ONE Admission started Online Admission started 15-Jan-2024 onwards... PLUS ONE Admission started...

As the patron of Sanjos Metropolitan School, it is a blessing to share in the journey of faith, knowledge, and spiritual growth with each one of you. Our school stands as a testament to the harmonious integration of academic excellence and human values. It is my sincere belief that education, when grounded in the principles of faith, becomes a transformative force, shaping not only the intellect but also the character of our students.

In the spirit of our Christian faith, let us strive to create an environment where love, compassion, and respect for one another are not just virtues but living realities. May the teachings of Jesus Christ inspire both educators and students to reach new heights of understanding, empathy, and service to others.

May our school continue to be a place where hearts are kindled with the flame of knowledge, where the spirit of community flourishes, and where the grace of God permeates every aspect of our learning environment. May our school year be filled with academic achievements, personal growth, and moments of shared joy and laughter. Together, let us continue to uphold the values that St Joseph, the patron Saint of our School, so beautifully exemplifies, making our school a place where faith, knowledge, and compassion thrive hand in hand.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to all the parents, students, faculty, and staff for their unwavering support and commitment to our school's mission.

Mar Joseph Pamplany

Archbishop of Tellicherry