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CBSC NUMBER : 930594

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School Band

School trains the students to learn Band. The school Band adorns this school during its activities.


School provides ample chances for the students to study and enjoy dance.


Students are given regular practice and guidance in Karate.


Students with good handwriting score more marks. One's handwriting also indicates one's character. With this view in mind, the school provides every child the chance to develop his/her hand writing.

Sports and Games

School conducts various competitions in the realm of sports and Games and other Cultural Activities. Indoor game is compulsory for all kids, to increase their mental power.

Culture Academic

Culture Academic takes initiative to cultivate the hidden talents of the students through various 18 literary and cultural activities and competitions. It takes leadership in celebrating the National Festivals and other important days in the school.

House-Wise Activities

The students are grouped into four Houses and are recognized through the Colour of their T- Shirts. The school conducts various House-wise competitions and other activities for the students to develop leadership qualities.

Club Activities

Students are also grouped into different clubs. On Saturdays students are given hands – on experience of the theories they learn, by the respective teachers incharge of the club.


Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self. Aiming at discovery of the self , students are taught Yoga in the school. It helps in the spiritual and intellectual growth of the children.


Chess helps develop problem solving skills. So our students have the opportunity to get proper learning in it after class hours.